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个智慧的大鼻子女人~~上帝给了她一个超大的鼻子好象一把大锁,锁住她的美丽和幸福,好在上帝没有忘记留下开启幸福的钥匙,又赐予她足够大的智慧~~~我想她是幸运的也是幸福的~~  芭芭拉的嗓音条件极佳,音域宽广,对气息的控制尤显功力,对各种风格的歌曲均能驾驭自如。她的代表作品如《回忆》(Memory)、《往日情怀》(The way we were)、《恋爱中的女人》(Woman in love)、《心中的爱》(Love in side)、《超级明星》(super star)等,均属百听不厌的经典之作。迄今为止,这位并非科班出身的国际明星已出版了45张唱片,发行量达4.5亿张。芭芭拉.史翠珊不仅在歌坛亨有盛誉,同时也多次获得影视界授予的极高荣誉。  Life is a moment in space, when the dream is gone its a lonelier place. I kiss the morning goodbye,but down inside you know we never know why. The road is narrow and long when eyes meet eyes and the feeling is strong.I turn away from the wall. I stumble and fall, but I give you it all. I am a woman in love and Id do anything to get you into my world, and hold you within.Its a right I defend over and over again. What do I do? With you eternally mine,In love there is no measure of time.
[mp3]http://www.colonial-florist.com/media/Barbara_Streisand_Bee_Gees_-_Woman_In_Love.mp3[/mp3] FTP右键下载 | |